WebSight CMS release notes
1.24.0 Feb 28, 2024
Page and Asset Management
- Added Reference Search functionality for moving and renaming pages and assets.
- Fixed the issue with the remove action not working on newly created assets.
Page Editor
- Added a preview mode for users with read-only access in the page editor.
- Improved the drag-and-drop functionality within the content tree.
- Fixed text alignment issues on checkbox buttons.
Resource Browser
- Fixed issues with displaying properties and the list of resources correctly.
- Fixed text wrapping for labels in radio button options.
- Fixed issues with copying values while adding rows to multifields.
1.23.0 Dec 5, 2023
Page Editor
- Added validation to user rights for toolbar actions.
- Improved performance in save action in page editor.
- Improved performance on drag-and-drop functionality within content tree.
1.22.0 Nov 6, 2023
Page Management
- Fixed the extra loading state display.
- Fixed jumping resource selector in the content tree.
Page Editor
- Added multiple viewport support.
- Improved hierarchy levels representation in the content tree.
- Improved drag-and-drop reordering components in the content tree.
- Fixed #139 possibility of dropping component into ancestors of an empty containers.
- Fixed element selectors alignment.
1.21.2 Oct 13, 2023
Page Editor
- Fixed component drag-and-drop performance issues.
1.21.1 Oct 10, 2023
Page Editor
- Fixed page scrolling to the top after any update.
1.21.0 Oct 4, 2023
Page and Asset Management
- Fixed the invisible last-row actions when the table has many items.
- Fixed flickering loading state in the page and assets trees.
Page Editor
- Added direct component reordering in the content tree.
- Improved drag-and-drop for containers.
- Improved switching between edit and preview modes - page position in the workspace remains the same now.
- Fixed the unexpected error notification after changing page properties in the preview mode.
- Fixed the outdated publication status after inline editing.
Admin tools
- Added advanced options for package installation during upload.
- Fixed broken link to the terms of use on the login page.
- Removed browser-based field validation messages as they duplicate the ones from CMS.
1.20.1 Sep 21, 2023
Page and Asset Management
- Fixed #179 - the broken preview of a selected asset.
- Fixed the lack of an icon for the page action view as published.
Page Editor
- Improved UX for version management - added a dedicated icon on the top bar.
1.20.0 Sep 13, 2023
Page and Asset Management
- Added an action to view a page as published before its publication.
- Improved the move action - added a step to rename a page, an asset, or a folder as a part of the action.
- Added loading states for the page tree and the asset tree.
- Added drag-and-drop support for asset upload.
- Improved UX for uploading the same assets again - simplified dialog options.
Page Editor
- Added an ability to view a page as published before its publication #98.
- Fixed the right-side panel refresh after a user clears a property in a dialog.
- Fixed missing trailing new lines in the rich text editor input field in the right side panel.
Admin tools
- Fixed the ability to re-upload a package in the package manager when the override option is not selected.
- Fixed the download link for binary JCR properties in the resource browser.
1.19.0 Aug 23, 2023
Page and Asset Management
- Added skeleton for the general tab.
- Added clearing the section in the dashboard table by escape button.
Page Management
- Added the possibility to see "ghost" pages.
- Added the possibility to unpublish "ghost" pages.
Groovy Console
- Fixed help content: presenting content with code examples.
Page Editor
- Improved listing available components:
- overlayed components (with the same resource type) are listed just once,
- components with the same name but different types have additional information about type.
Package Manager
- Fixed uninstalling packages.
Resource Browser
- Fixed saving many resources positions changes at once.
1.18.0 Aug 2, 2023
Page and Asset Management
- Removed the information about the size for the selected folder(s) as it is unavailable.
- Added an ability to copy a JCR path(s) for selected pages and assets.
- Improved UX for filtering - an action execution doesn't clear user-defined criteria.
- Fixed visibility of the last row actions when a table has a lot of items.
- Fixed an issue with page creation when a user doesn't provide a unique name.
- Fixed the "Cannot get actions" warning when a user deleted or moved a page using the top bar actions.
- Fixed the return to template selection when creating a new page and providing its properties.
- Fixed the name generation for a new page when a user adjusted the name for a previous page.
- Improved updating of the last modification date for pages and assets.
Page versioning
- Added confirmation message before restoring a page version.
- Added time to creation date presented in the versions table.
Page Editor
- Added loading states for
- the workspace, when its content requires refreshing,
- starting inline editing for the Rich Text Editor,
- the publication status dropdown.
- Added workspace refresh after page properties updates.
- Fixed drag-and-drop of a component close to the left border of a container.
- Fixed disappearing "Drag components here" placeholder for containers included in many page sections.
Admin tools
- Fixed UI issues in the package manager when a user selects advanced options during installation.
- Fixed text overlap issues in the resource browser when a user expands a property with a long value.
- Fixed the cursor landing at the end of the text when editing a property in the resource browser.
- Fixed paths presented in the swagger view.
- Fixed the position of the date picker modal when it is the first input field in a dialog.
1.17.0 Jul 11, 2023
Page Versioning
- Added page versioning feature to the Page editor
- Added possibility to create page version manually
- Added functionality to create page version automatically on page publishing
- Added possibility to drop unpublished changes
- Added possibility to edit space properties
- Fixed issue related to breaking dashboard layout when description is too long
Page and Asset Management
- Added loading states for topbar and table actions
- Fixed scalability for dashboards
- Fixed validation error message if folder or page already exists
- Fixed loading tree when editor closed by back button in the browser
Page Management
- Fixed taking into account allowed children restrictions when copying and moving pages
Page Editor
- Added blocking when action is in progress
Groovy Console
- Fixed code snippets in the help panel
- Added red highlight on the tab when contains validation error
- Removed support for default values
1.16.0 Jun 14, 2023
Page and Asset Management
- Fixed asset types presented on the list of assets.
- Improved the loading state for the list of pages.
- Improved refreshing of the list of pages after action execution.
Page Editor
- Fixed additional corner cases for the issue with
styles in the edit mode. - Fixed an issue with shifted workspace when an author expands a dropdown in the side panel.
1.15.0 May 30, 2023
Page and Asset Management
- Fixed the publication status for new pages created as a copy.
- Removed the publication status for folders.
Page Editor
- Added an ability to update the page properties directly in the editor.
- Improved the loading state for the side panel when a user selects a component for the first time.
- Fixed the visibility of fields that depend on a default value of the select input field.
Admin tools
- Fixed the issue with inserting an empty resource name while creating a new item.
- Fixed the issue for creating new items in the Resource Browser - the resource name can't be empty now.
- Fixed #158 - the issue with the resource path input.
- Changed the API and implementation of the publishing framework. Pushing the published content to the file system works as before but will be changed to a request-replay approach in the next release.
1.14.0 May 10, 2023
Page Editor
- Improved UX for inline editing. Authors can start the action using double-click (if configured as a default action for a given component).
- Added a skeleton screen for the workspace while it is loading.
- Fixed #159 - saving a multifield by a modal and the side panel leads to conflicts.
Admin tools
- Fixed the issue with providing a resource name while creating a new item.
- Updated Howlite components (RTE, Title, Quote, CTA) - removed the mandatoriness of fields having an initial content.
1.13.0 April 19, 2023
Page Editor
- New feature from the roadmap #1 - added inline editing for text input fields.
- Improved UX for keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste components - selection keeps the focus on the workspace (no autofocus on the first editable field in the right side panel).
1.12.0 March 29, 2023
Page Editor
- Added keyboard shortcuts to copy, cut and paste components.
- Changed and extended Rich Text Editor configuration options.
- Fixed the blinking space icons and space types on load.
- Fixed the size of the clickable area for item selection on the list of pages and assets.
1.11.2 March 23, 2023
Page Editor
- Fixed the lack of refresh for the side panel with component properties after the user updated them in the modal.
- Fixed modal closing with ESC button after changing a tab.
1.11.1 March 21, 2023
Page Editor
- Fixed blinking component selection and toolbar after changing component properties in the side panel.
- Improved selected component loading state after changing component properties in the side panel.
- Fixed the lack of component selection after changing component properties in the modal.
- Fixed #63 and #149 - toggle, select, checkbox, radio, rich text editor, and text area work right in the multifield now. Additionally, the description for the input field included in the multifield is presented on hover.
1.11.0 March 15, 2023
Page Editor
- New feature from the roadmap #2 - added the side panel with component properties.
- Improved workspace refresh after edit action - only the updated component is reloaded now.
- Added #140 - the ability to set WCM mode in HTL.
- Improved UX for concurrent assets management - opening the list of assets from the assets panel in the page editor.
1.10.0 March 1, 2023
Page and Asset Management
- Fixed crash when a user uploads multiple assets at the same time.
- Fixed broken list of pages for a space when its first node in the resource browser contains an object other than pages, for example, policies.
- Fixed blinking space dropdown when a user removed a space, and not available anymore.
- Fixed #133 - page name generated from the tile is lowercase now.
- Improved #15 - clicking a page name opens the page editor now.
- Improved the expandable panel with the tree on the left - added icons for pages and folders.
- Improved the preview of assets containing white objects on a transparent background (changed preview background to grey).
Admin tools
- Fixed page reordering in the resource browser.
- Fixed the broken order of pages after re-creating the content from JCR vault package in the Package Manager.
- Fixed the missing icon for the deny permission in the user manager.
- Fixed an issue with closing the Button Dropdown for the Rich Text Editor.
- Fixed inconsistency of a new space name generated from the title.
- Fixed an issue with loading the manifest file by a browser.
1.9.1 February 15, 2023
Page Editor
- Improved the style for the page publication status dropdown.
Page and Asset Management
- Fixed the lack of scroll when returning from the page editor.
Admin tools
- Fixed the issue with renaming nodes in the resource browser.
- Fixed the issue with saving changes in the resource browser.
- Unified action buttons order for dialogs.
- Fixed the issue with entering Title and Name for a new space - changing the value moves the cursor to the end of the fields.
1.8.0 February 1, 2023
Page Editor
- Fixed the misaligned cursor and component during drag-and-drop (Chrome).
- Updated paddings for the lists of spaces, pages, and assets.
- Fixed the scroll for the list of pages and assets - always visible even when there was no need.
- Improved stability of front-end tests (Cypress).
1.7.0 January 18, 2023
Page Editor
- Added ability to refresh the workspace on component changes.
- Fixed the issues with misaligned overlays on component changes.
- Fixed the issues with
styles in the edit mode. - Fixed the issue with additional space generated at the end of the workspace after zoom-in and zoom-out.
Page and Asset Management
- Fixed #25 - SVG files are displayed properly now.
- Fixed the issue for the Date Picker input field - presented a wrong value.
- Fixed the issue on pressing enter - didn't close a modal in some cases.
Admin Tools
- Fixed #12 - updated layout of the landing page for Admin Tools.
- Unified UX for the left side panel for all views.
1.6.0 December 21, 2022
Page Editor
- Improved collapsing and expanding of the left side panel.
- Fixed the lack of the scroll for page preview.
- Fixed the missing indicator when drag-and-drop of a component is not allowed.
Admin Tools
- Fixed #13 - updated keyboard shortcut for script execution.
- Improved UX for the list of spaces.
- Improved UX for the modal to move/copy pages.
1.5.0 December 7, 2022
Page Editor
- Improved the placeholder text for empty containers to guide users on how to add components.
- Fixed issues with overlays for components.
- Fixed #33 - reduced panel size leads to cropped images thumbnails.
- Path picker input field:
- Fixed #19 - updated placeholder text to guide on how to choose a path.
- Added an arrow to expand the dropdown for selection.
- Fixed an issue with the rootPath property.
1.4.0 November 23, 2022
Page Editor
- Added ability to drag-and-drop a component between others included in a container.
- Added #22 - scrolling the page to a component when the user clicks it in the content tree.
- Improved UX for the component list. It contains only items allowed for a given page (based on its template).
- Fixed an issue with misaligned overlays when the user resized the window.
Page and Asset Management
- Added actions in the breadcrumb for assets.
- Added Edit action in the breadcrumb for pages.
- Fixed an issue with page creation when the action was interrupted previously.
- Added loading indicator for the Create Space modal.
1.3.0 November 09, 2022
Page Editor
- Fixed an issue with component drag-and-drop - in some cases component can't be dropped on a selected container.
- Fixed an issue with the editor layout caused by a faulty component included on a page.
Page and Asset Management
- Fixed #26 - asset preview dropdown is cut off and has no icons.
- Improved UX for the Create Space modal.
- Added keyboard shortcuts for all modals - submitting changes with Enter/Return and cancelation with Esc, X icon or clicking outside of the modal.
1.2.0 October 26, 2022
Page Editor
- Improved UX for components drag-and-drop - indicating if the drop is not allowed.
- Fixed the issue for the Asset Reference input field - impossible to remove image and save empty value.
Page and Asset Management
- Improved messages for asset publication.
- Fixed the page and assets tree refresh when the current space switched.
Admin Tools
- Fixed #14 and #16 - removed the artificial footer for Package Manager, User Manager, Groovy Console and Swagger Browser.
1.1.0 October 11, 2022
Page Editor
- Fixed the component dragging indicator.
Page and Asset Management
- Improved assets publication. Publish and unpublish actions include assets in sub-folders.
- Fixed #24: assets download has no effect.
- Fixed the hidden top bar with actions for pages and assets (when scrolling).
- Added HTL cache cleanup after deployment of bundles.
1.0.0 September 28, 2022
First public release of the WebSight CMS Community Edition. See our blog post