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RTE Component

A Rich Text Editor allows editors to create text content (paragraphs with headings, bullet lists, links and more) across pages.


Drag & drop RTE component to a Page Section. A simple paragraph with lorem ipsum content will be rendered on a page:

Rich Text Editor

Authorable properties

Click Edit icon (Edit icon) on the RTE component to see its properties:

On the General tab, you can add:

  • Text - with a wide range of functionalities. You can:
    • add a new Paragraph or Heading (with level 1 to 6)
    • select some words and make it bold / italic / underlined or crossed.
    • add a link
    • create bullet points or ordered list
    • align text to the left / center / right or with justify option.
    • add a new line (br html tag). Please note that pressing Enter button in RTE results in a new paragraph. If you click New Line icon - new line will be added inside the same paragraph.
    • clear formatting

Quote component

  • You can set the Style for the RTE using the Style tab:

Quote styles

  • You can resize the RTE as any other component using the Layout tab. (See grid description for details.)

Rendered component

RTE with Default style variant:

Rendered Rich Text

RTE with Checked bullet points style variant:

Rendered Rich Text