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Cards List & Card Item

The Cards List component can be used to arrange multiple card components on a page. If you have 20 cards, you may want to display them in a grid with 4 items or 5 items per row or as a slider with 4 or 5 cards per slide. A Cards List component makes it easy to quickly switch between different layouts.

Cards may contain an image, text and a CTA.


Drag & drop the Card List component to a Page section. Cards List is prefilled with 3 initial Card Items.

Cards List

You can drag & drop additional Card Item to the Card List component, or delete unneeded Card Items.

Card Item

Authorable properties

Click Edit icon ("Edit" icon) to see all available Cards List properties:

  • You can check an option Display as a slider to switch on the slider mode. The slider is fully responsive and supports touch and swipe navigation as well as mouse drag for the desktop.
  • You can select the Heading level for the Cards headings. Choose the level that is most appropriate from SEO and accessibility perspective (options H1 - H6).
  • You can select the Heading size to increase or decrease cards headings' font size.
  • You can change Items per row for each breakpoint separately.
    • if the slider option is selected, this number will control how many Cards are visible at once (on each slide).

Cards List general properties

  • You can set the Style for the Cards List using the Style tab.

Cards List general properties

Click Edit icon ("Edit" icon) on Card's Item to see its properties:

  • On the General tab you can add:
    • Title - the Card's Item heading.
    • Content - the text to be displayed in the Card Item.

Card Item

  • On the Image tab you can add:
    • an Image - you can open the left assets panel and drag&drop an image to the asset section;
    • additionally, you can provide an alternative text (alt) to describe an image. Leave it blank only when the image is purely decorative.

Card Item

  • You can add CTA to the Card Item as any other CTA component using the Card CTA tab. (See CTA description for details.)

Rendered component

Here is an example of a Cards List component with 2 Card Items inside. 2 items per row are set. Each Card consists of an image, text and a text link:

2 Cards List rendered on a page

A Cards List with 5 Card Items and 3 items per row set:

5 Cards List rendered on a page

A Cards List with 5 Card Items, 3 items per row set and selected slider mode (user can drag cards left/right to see previous or next items):

3 cards slider

Cards List with three Items with "Text Centered" Style variant selected (On Cards List level):

3 Cards List with text centered rendered on a page